Phone: 07786 617256


Aromatherapy uses concentrated plant essences, essential oils, to treat the symptoms of a range of conditions and aims to improve both physical and emotional wellbeing. Massage movements are slow and gentle to help relax and eliminate tension. Personally blended oils are used to rebalance mind, body and soul.


Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is a relaxing and soothing therapy and is helpful in reducing pain. It eases muscular strain and shortens recovery time by flushing out toxins. It boosts circulation by increasing oxygen flow in the blood.

Swedish massage also stimulates the skin and nervous system and soothes the nerves themselves. It reduces emotional and physical stress and is widely used for stress management.


Hot Stone Massage

Smooth, water heated stones are placed on key points on the body and used by the therapist for massage. Physically circulation is stimulated and spiritually it allows re-balancing of the body’s natural energy flow. As the heat relaxes the muscles, one stroke of a hot stone is equivalent to ten strokes of a regular massage. This is a truly soothing and relaxing massage.


Tension Massage

This is a massage of the neck, back and shoulders and is designed to relieve specific stress and muscle tension. This rhythmic pressure massage is vigorous and tailor made using massage oils to suit your needs.


Indian Head Massage

This massage has been practiced in India for over a thousand years. It focuses on the shoulders, neck, scalp and face. By improving blood circulation and lymphatic flow it releases stress and muscle tension and helps increase joint mobility. It helps with eye strain, headaches, insomnia, sinusitis, scalp and hair problems.


Onsite Chair Massage

Chair massage is a revitalising acupressure massage adapted from traditional Japanese Amma, which is closely related to Shiatsu.

Oil can be used or this sequence can be carried out fully clothed while sitting in a specially designed chair.

The popular fifteen-minute massage sequence includes the back, shoulders, neck, arms, hands and head – targeting all the areas most susceptible to tension and affected by long hours at a desk or computer.

It is not only an enjoyable and convenient form of massage but is recognised as an effective way to manage stress in the office environment. It helps to alleviate many of the symptoms associated with stress, including common ailments such as headaches and low energy levels. Tight neck and shoulder muscles restrict the flow of blood to the brain, resulting in poor oxygen supply, which in turn leads to decreased alertness and productivity.

If this massage is required in an office we arrive equipped with everything that is needed - all you have to do is to provide a space for us to work in, then sit back and relax!


Working with Massage on Vulnerable Adults and Special Needs Children

Amanda has worked as a teacher and massage therapist in special needs and mainstream schools for many years. She has worked with the physically disabled and children with A.D.H.D, autism, dysphasia and other disorders. It is truly amazing the relaxed state that some of these students benefit from after they have received a treatment.

Amanda is an instructor of a Massage in School Programme, where she teaches peer massage and has been to various schools teaching this system. Teachers and parents often use these techniques when required. Working with children with special healthcare needs offers a unique and meaningful experience. Amanda covers massage therapy for children with chronic and acute or life-limiting illnesses. This method of communication, on many occasions, assists appropriate interactions with family members.

Massage therapy is very beneficial for children and adults with autism. Massage meets the basic human need for contact often assumed to be absent in people who have autism. It provides them with positive tactile experiences. In most cases, it is not required to use special or different massage techniques. What is needed is to recognize that people with autism need this treatment too.

Amanda also works with vulnerable adults with profound learning disabilities delivering reflexology treatments and hand/foot massage. This is highly rewarding. Some clients can be very agitated but become calm, relaxed and happy after a treatment. Other benefits to this particular client group may be increased self awareness and self esteem.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave. It is most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, but can be useful for other mental and physical health problems.

CBT cannot remove your problems, but it can help you deal with them in a more positive way. Amanda helps you to eventually become your own therapist enabling you to work with your problem. CBT is based on the concept that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected, and that negative thoughts and feelings can trap you in a vicious cycle.

Amanda works on CBT to help you crack this cycle by breaking down overwhelming problems into smaller parts and showing you how to change these negative patterns to improve the way you feel.

Unlike some other talking treatments, CBT deals with your current problems, rather than focusing on issues from your past. It looks for practical ways to improve your state of mind on a daily basis.



Hands on healing focuses energy to rebalance mind, body and emotions. As a member of The Alliance of Healing Associations Amanda has completed two years of training and is fully insured.


Reiki Healing

Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-intrusive hands-on healing technique which uses spiritual and universal energy to treat physical ailments with out using pressure, manipulation or massage. It is more than a physical therapy; it is a holistic system for balancing, healing and harmonising all aspects of the person – body, mind, emotions and spirit. It can also be used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth. The Japanese word for Reiki is usually translated into Universal Life-force Energy. Reiki compliments all other forms of treatment.

During a Reiki session Amanda is able to work on Chakra clearing and balancing. Each Chakra is linked with specific parts of our body and to a system within the body. If a Chakra is blocked, damaged or closed, then the health of the connected body parts and system will begin to reflect this. During a treatment clients will often have sensations of warmth, heat or a tingling sensation where hands are placed, or feel energy flowing around their body and will become very relaxed.


Equine Healing

As a Reiki Master Amanda works with horses to help them overcome any trauma. Equine healing balances the energy flow throughout the body, stimulating the horse’s natural healing process. During this process the horse’s own natural endorphins are released into their system, enabling them to feel relaxed and calm. The healing has no harmful side effects, and will only work for the receivers greater good.

Horses, like all animals, are very sensitive and intuitive, therefore very receptive and can feel the Reiki energy. They will only take as much energy as they need and they will move away from the energy once they have received enough which is why it cannot be said how long a session on a horse will last as they are all different and all need different levels of energy to re charge their system.

The owner is asked to be present during the session again to help make it as relaxed as possible for the horse. The environment must be free from distraction during the session. Once the horse is settled Amanda will start the treatment by scanning the horses energy points. The Reiki energy will then be directed to the horse and will travel to where it is most needed by the animal at that particular point in time. If the horses first reaction is to move away from the energy this is fine and is quite normal as animals are very sensitive to the change in energy but adapt to the feeling of the flow very quickly.

Please be aware that animals have the choice to accept or decline the healing. Every animal is different and in certain circumstances the animal may reject the healing on the first or first few occasions. If this happens, the session must and will be stopped. Reiki cannot be forced upon an animal who doesn't wish to receive it.

An Equine Reiki Treatment can help your horse or pony in cases of injury, illness or just as a pure tonic and wellbeing. Some examples are; arthritis, grief or shock, behavioural problems, pregnancy, post-surgery and acclimatising to change.

The Veterinary Surgery Act of 1966 amended 1996 prohibits anyone other than a qualified veterinary surgeon from treating animals, including diagnosis of ailments and giving advice on such diagnosis. However the healing of animals by “contact healing” by the laying on of hands or “distant healing” is legal.

However the Protection of Animals Act 1911 requires that if an animal clearly needs treatment from a veterinary surgeon the owner must obtain this.



A natural healing art based on the principal that different points, or reflexes, on the feet, hands and ears correspond with different areas of the body. Through application of pressure on these reflexes, the feet being the primary area of focus, and without the use of tools, creams or lotions, reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation and helps promote the natural function of the related areas of the body. There are many disorders reflexology can help, including anxiety, migraine, insomnia, menstrual and menopausal problems.



Hypnosis is a natural state of heightened awareness, where you are able to open your mind to beneficial suggestions and where you can make use of your imagination to help make positive changes in your life.

Everybody experiences trance differently – it is a unique experience, but the client is always in control. In general a hypnotic trance is a pleasant, relaxing and tranquil experience. While hypnotised you will be aware of all physical sensations around you, perhaps even noticing sounds you wouldn’t otherwise be aware of.

Life is what you make it, so why not make it better? Hypnotherapy can improve your life for the better on a daily basis, including the way you feel about yourself and the world around you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Hopi Ear Candles

Thermal Auricular Therapy, also known as Hopi Ear Candles, is a pleasant and non-invasive treatment of the ears, used to treat a variety of conditions.

The candles work on a chimney principle, drawing any impurities to the surface where they can be gently removed. They equalise the pressure in the head and ears, making them suitable for most conditions. Secretion flow is gently stimulated and the vapour collects and removes impurities or deposits. Most of these are carried away through the candle “chimney”, although some of them can be found in the condensed candle wax residue after removal from the ear, or could even work their way up to the surface 24-48 hours after.

It induces a pleasant feeling of warmth and a balance of pressure in the ear, forehead and sinus areas. It is a soothing treatment and is combined with a relaxing sinus massage.


Body Brushing

This helps our lymphatic drainage system to remove toxins from the body. In doing so it helps to improve the appearance of the skin and reduce cellulite.



Amanda has worked as a qualified therapist since 1986 and is employed as a teacher and therapist in a special needs school, therefore she holds a wealth of experience.


Massage Teaching

Amanda began teaching massage and healing in 2006. She holds regular circle evenings in the local area where her past students come and swap experiences and develop their abilities. If you want to learn some massage skills to use on your partner, family or friends Amanda offers fun one day workshops teaching easy to learn and use massage techniques. Alternatively, you could try the Introduction to Indian Head Massage. You will learn a massage routine for the upper back, neck, head and face. This course also teaches some useful skills for those who would like more confidence when massaging.


Fully Certified Reiki I Workshop

During this course -

  • You will be attuned to Reiki in a way that enables you to use it for self- healing and to pass it on to others simply through the laying on of hands.
  • Learn the hand positions, the structure of a healing session, techniques for aura cleansing, chakra balancing, healing pets, energising your food and much more.
  • Hear the story of Mikao Usui’s quest for this powerful gift that you will begin to use in the second half of the day, during the hands-on practice session.
  • Have a practical introduction to the human energy field and the chakras, which will give you first-hand understanding of the subtle bodies.

The fee for the Reiki Level 1 course includes a comprehensive course manual, certification in Usui Reiki and free advice by telephone and e-mail after the course. This course is held over a weekend and is fully certificated.


Fully Certified Reiki II Workshop

Highlights of course are -

  • The initiation into the three sacred Reiki Level 2 symbols.
  • The Reiki Level 2 attunement, which will significantly increase your personal energy.
  • Distance healing across space and time, allowing you to heal your past, prepare for the future and help others even when far away.
  • Techniques for automatic and multiple healing, enabling you to send Reiki to recurring events and to a number of receivers at the same time.
  • Giving each other a Reiki treatment using the symbols.
  • Plenty of practice.
  • Aspects of the professional practice, client intake, insurance, choice of space etc.

The Reiki Level 2 course further enhances and refines your ability to work with Reiki. The Distance Healing technique is an invaluable tool for helping people when you can’t physically be with them.

The fee for the Reiki Level 2 course includes a comprehensive course manual, certification in Usui Reiki and free advice by telephone and e-mail after the course. This course is generally held over a weekend and is fully certificated.

Amanda also offers Reiki Master Teacher Degree courses and massage training for carers and nurses looking after the elderly. These are just some samples of the types of therapies that Amanda can teach, if you have any specific requirements, then please do not hesitate to contact us.


Holistic Nutrition

This therapy goes hand in hand with Amanda’s organic product range Holistic nutrition focuses on a natural approach to a healthy diet and considers the individual as a whole, including all aspects of your lifestyle. This natural approach incorporates emotional, spiritual and physical health to create a state of well-being for optimum health. A holistic approach to proper nutrition encourages education on basic nutrition to develop a holistic diet that incorporates natural and organic foods, products, natural holistic supplements and food treatments for chronic health conditions.

Amanda will advise on a holistic diet that strengthens the bones, blood, muscles and vital organs, including the heart, liver, stomach and intestines. Holistic nutrition also follows the belief that physical ailments are directly related to psychological well-being, so developing a healthy and balanced diet helps to relieve stress, memory loss and other mental conditions. Holistic nutrition is designed to heal the body, enrich the mind and cleanse the soul to reach the ultimate healthy lifestyle.

Most simply stated, holistic nutrition is healing with whole foods.


Natural Cosmetics

Bath, hair, skin and beauty products.

Amanda makes up products from raw natural ingredients for many skin and hair types using essential oils, vegetable oils, vitamins, herbs, minerals, anti-aging and other active ingredients. Totally bespoke cosmetology, tailor made products to suit individual needs.

All products are natural and the majority are used with raw materials, which have been cultivated without artificial fertilizers, chemicals and pesticides. Amanda does not use raw material made from animal sources e.g. slaughter houses, or by-products such as gelatin, collagen and animal based emulsifiers or soap ingredients. These are by far the most commonly used materials in the cosmetic industry and Amanda wants no part of these ingredients. The only animal product found in Amanda’s products is beeswax and no bees are harmed in the harvesting of this.

Vaseline or paraffin based mineral oils are not used in these natural products. No synthetic aromas are used, only pure essential oils are added. They work on all levels from cellular and physical to the emotional, spiritual and aesthetic.

Humankind has used vegetable oils and fats in skincare and massage for thousands of years, these are natural and they protect our skin, keep it soft and supple they also help it to remain strong, healthy and beautiful. Amanda uses different oils depending on the need, skin type and skin problem involved.

Products are individually priced, tailor made products will be priced at the time of order however, a full price list of a standard range are available on request.


Pamper Evenings

Invite your friends round for a few hours and Amanda will come along and be your therapist for the evening.

These evenings are very popular. Friends and a lovely therapy in the comfort of your own home. What better way to end your week.

The therapies offered on these evenings are -

  • Indian Head Massage
  • Legs and Foot Massage

This is a massage of the lower legs and feet that involves hands on stretching and massage to ‘open’ Sen (energy) lines. Internal organs are stimulated, very similar to reflexology.

  • Hands on Healing


Face, neck, scalp and feet sensation.

A facial is one of the best ways to take care of your skin, especially when it’s given by an experienced, knowledgeable therapist. A facial cleans, exfoliates and nourishes the skin, promoting a clear, well-hydrated complexion, and can help your skin look younger.

Amanda will blend a face pack, tailor made for your skin type. One which is rich in minerals and active enzymes, making it beneficial for stimulating lymph and blood circulation, and drawing toxins and dirt from your skin. It will help to contract and tone the skin and strengthen connective tissues.

Your skin will benefit from traditional hands-on techniques and non-invasive skincare technology using only organic products made by Harmony.

First your skin will be cleansed, a cleansing scrub applied and then you will have a beautiful facial chest, neck and scalp massage lasting 15 minutes. Following this your tailor made face pack will be applied. While you are relaxing with this nourishing organic face pack, Amanda will give you a relaxing foot massage. The treatment is ended with eye oils and moisturiser.

An exceptional experience, which delivers outstanding and long-lasting results. Healthy, beautiful skin is revealed and your mind and body left revitalised.



Amanda holds the following Qualifications (these are qualifications held up to brochure publication 2015)-

Diploma - Aromatherapy, CBT, Holistic Nutrition, Hypnotherapy, Indian Head Massage, Onsite Chair Massage, Reflexology, Swedish Massage.

Spiritual Healer,
Reiki Master Teacher

Massage in Schools Programme instructor

Thai Foot Massage

First Aider

Distinction A level Anatomy and Physiology

Qualified at an advanced level to make natural skin care

Member of
The Independent Professional Therapists International
The Alliance of Healing Associations



Aromatherapy 40 mins £35
1 hr 15 mins £45
Swedish Massage 40 mins £35
1 hr 15 mins £45
Hot Stone Massage 40 mins £35
1 hr 15 mins £45
Tension Massage £35
Indian Head Massage £35
Healing - Spiritual / Reiki £30
Reflexology £35
Hypnotherapy 2 Sessions £65
Hopi Ear Candles and Sinus Massage £30
Facials £45
CBT £40
Holistic Nutrician from £35
Equine Healing from £30

The cost of onsite chair massage, teaching, workshops and pamper evenings are available on request.

Vouchers are available for all treatments and products.

A minimum of 24 hours notice is required for cancellations otherwise a 50% charge will apply. Missed appointments will be charged at full price.



Please call 07786 617256